At Aequs, we are committed to protect the environment, employee health, and safety of all employees and visitors. In addition to this, we comply as per the local regulations and have integrated EH&S into all our Operations. All units under Aequs SEZ are ISO 45001 : 2018 and ISO 14001 : 2015 Certified. ISO 45001 : 2018 certificate is to protect employees from injuries whereas ISO 14001 : 2015 protects environment. A dedicated ‘Emergency Response Team’ (ERT) is also available on-site to take immediate notice of any situation.
Environment Health & Safety

With the aim to develop a safe culture within the organisation, the EH&S policy focuses on:
- Promoting an environment where everyone is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace to prevent injury or ill-health through any of our activities, products and services.
- Complying with all applicable legal and other requirements.
- Integrating EH&S into all operations at all levels of the organization for continues improvement in Environmental and OH&S performance.
- Conserving natural resources, achieving energy savings and optimizing use of resources by reducing, re-using and re-cycling.
- Incorporating waste management system and promoting segregation of wastes & re-cycling.
- Preventing environmental pollution by adopting proven technology and focusing on reduction of waste in all our process.
- Installation of zero-emission machines on the Shop-floor.

Employee Health:
- We conduct a pre-employment Health screening for all candidates.
- Periodical health check up’s is carried out for all employees.
- Our Occupational Health Centre (OHC) facility is open 24×7 and is equipped with latest equipment.
- We also conduct Wellness Programs across entities on a timely basis.
Employee Safety:
- Helmets are mandatory for both, rider & pillion within the SEZ premises (2-wheelers)
- Speed limit is restricted to 30 KMPH inside the SEZ campus
- Use of mobile phone while riding or driving is prohibited..
- All offices & shop-floors have an evacuation roadmap displayed at suitable locations.
- All potential hazards are identified and labelled with a proper signage & instructions
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is mandatory for everyone accessing the shop-floor. (safety shoes & safety glasses)
- We have periodic fire & evacuation drills (in accordance with the Karnataka State Fire & Emergency Services) conducted across all entities